The Canary Who Through Blue Sky Flew

the canary through blue sky flapping flew. tickly breeze moving canary through blue sky dipping. sun keeping low sunday through monday, tuesday flapping through the fog, ground guzzling draining no landing no standing. Green tree waves and the far away hill and bigger yet hill beyond grey distance forever.

for too soon love and birdlicking couldn’t be

and so canary flew, through blue spring sky wandering eyes again the ground is warm the feathers warmer still flapping. dipping by stream there downwards the cat napping, yawning rock not wet from water dribbling, bubbling clear the crayfish grumbling, grey the water going further forever around. canary through blue sky flew alighting to old tree roots drinking from water clear pebbles smooth atop flipping.

silly cat in sleep running sniffing canary set wings flutter atop rock not wet from water dribbling, checking twice drinking, digging ducks in a row dive, crayfish mumble fighting beneath the rocks not wet from water plants snaking green grabbing duck ankles webby swimming.Trees swaying branches shimmy breeze leaves rattle and robin chirping catchy whistling crickets buzzing mouse shakes the tall grass running drunkly like rum runny jumpy, plane above white smoke pulling straight to further hill still grey forever.

yellow flew blue sky canary zippy flutter dipping wind whirling over red fox hiding yipping crawling raccoon climbing, eggs blue redbreast hollering, fox at mouse rum runny jumpy yapping flipped out chipmunks scamping chests puffed tails thumping, green trees beneath slowly churn

thickly branches clasp

thin fingers grip grasping pulling canary through blue sky flew up and downing.

spring sun seeps and cottontail sprinting through with white root ripping already tummy full burping and fern house hidden under berry branch prickly green healthy stemmy ants, gabbing grub, mouthing moth stumbling killing gleaming leaf itsy bitsy spider eating silly billy. canary thiswaying thatwaying through blue sky flew hawk too busy preening head bopping beak licking.

hill goldy pretty, weeds like flowers many just waiting for no one treading blue sky sun spring and blooming erupting red purple yellow green and pell mell color racket and perfume noisy under canary blissly spinning breeze little wings beating. deers hoof from crushed grass bedding midnight sleeping the day bones warm and muscles flexing, birch trees gathering, deer there there-ing, at babies milking momma stands, staring, bull antlers at woodside wary. canary mirthful birdly yellow skinny leggies tummy tucked claws dangling and further hill still grey forever.

over valley, banking leftly wind is gushing over valley sumac red mitts bobbing, over valley canary through blue sky flew and stopping shortly dead elm homely broke chalky holey from woodpeckers poking, yellow bird rests and time for chirping, beak under wing knuckling itching, and birdbugs filling. canary spacking yapping ranting, dove comes oodling tree tummy nesting, near cow bird’s burgled babies straining, dead elm crooked vainly standing bravely, yellow bird stepping snapping branch to branch birdbugs scattering birdy full from grazing leaps flapping sumac waving up valley wall tall trees stretching sun shimmering up and away lonely dove oodling now a days flight away canary through blue sky flew over spring leaves rustling.

further hill still grey now greening brown, closer yellow birdy floating. over further hill still trees thin and hiding fewly numbered creaping mighty owl and opossum babies blindly pouched suckling dumbly day and nightly, pulltab cans tan and rusty under autumn leaves brown and crumbly, bald rubber tires jutting, holding water eggs and buzzing stinging birdbugs zipping bees sweet honey making brown bear trudge crushing finally sitting, licking.

canary through blue sky flew, green wave thinning squirrels scrambling trails meander nonsense wheres-abouts, near ponds and,bullheads beating fogboggy bottom sick bendy buggies yummy, creeks trickle plastic bag broken branch sunken, fire pit black char and chicken bones corn cobs compost mix old metal somethings and tattered scrappy caps with cigarette packs.

old wooden shack pine lumber old pig pen hornets nest, pigeon roost, axehead. canary through blue sky flew over wider trails following viny white flowers and blackberry bushes, dogs barking raising voices chattering laughing crows all mingling, wild carrots bursting by fallen trees from lightening knifing, bunnies munching there and chipmunks scamping chests puffed and tails thumping. Robin chirping hopping

canary’s heart beating and beak glory be calling.

for too soon love and birdlicking couldn’t be

canary through blue sky flew fast as wind was, faster even than the peregrine swiftly stepping called and little murmurs brown birds hop scotching tooting canary flew over street grey going further still forever around to the church, bell still lightly shaking from noontime ringing. people to-ed and fro-ed from cars big and barreling, running stomping bugging, canary set atop the steeple and preening birdly missed the priest was cursing,

from lower perch afraid from pigeons rough housing hid little birdgirlie she lept up wings churning and beak glory be calling to see canary who through blue sky flew.

for too soon love and birdlicking couldn’t be.

and below blue sky and church bell the stepping and roving up streets children clinging momma dadda and dogs weeping cats sleeping, grey street still still going around on forever on, the canaries split for hills grey further still, dipping breeze shoving, and further forever on, canaries through blue sky flew.