
saying anything to permanence isn’t

playing and the reverse is also true for

worth. so i therefor am speculating.

rare coins? it is important to note

the glint of its face in the light of

day. its value in luck. its maker. its

flash in a pool of a million stupid

wishes- to be a prettydead girl- oh to kiss katie- oh

to be a shiny coin. i saw you this

way at the getty- a confident, hard

metal state among collectors. a wish in a

smile on your face- a silhouette that

sits in sand ocean or attic, safety boxes

or pictures in a collector’s book. one

moonish perfect skipping wish of

cold copper and silver and gold- alive

in the hand- dead in a photograph,

which i am glad of, no matter the

aperture, as you stand at the getty

so i don’t have to speculate.